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We exist because entire people groups still have NO ACCESS to the transforming love of God.

We exist because entire people groups still have NO ACCESS to the transforming love of God.

The Great Commission has always been a group project.

More than 40% of the world’s population is cut off from the gospel.

Reaching them with the good news is a task too big to do alone. It requires all of us—every part of the Body of Christ.

Will you help Christar more effectively serve Christ’s Body to mobilize the gospel to the 40%?

BOUNDARIES and WALLS prevent people from hearing and worshiping,

Learn about those He is engaging
with truth:

See where He is using His people to
impact communities:

Christar workers PARTICIPATE by planting churches in these
LEAST-REACHED communities, where He is yet to be worshiped.

Through Us ... But Not Up to Us

Rejoice with us in three truths about the Lord’s work in and through His people to build His Church around the world.



By Learning

Discover how God has used His people to transform communities around the world with life-changing hope.
Check it out

By Sending

We partner with churches.
Churches send workers.

How Can My Church Send?

By Going

Workers GO to bring the Gospel in new ways to new places.


Not Just Kind Words:

Prayer has REAL IMPACT.

Every Christar worker has a prayer team of at least one hundred people who have committed to pray daily for them, their ministry, and the people they serve. Will you join us in praying for Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Refugees and the Deaf, as well as the Christar teams working among them?

God is CREATING ACCESS and transforming lives.

You can PARTICIPATE right now

Your gifts empower Christar Workers to share transforming hope with communities around the world.