Clearing the Path: Getting Workers to the Least-Reached
“For many of [our local friends], we are the first witnesses that they have ever met, or will ever meet, in their lives. We have an eternity to enjoy our brothers and sisters in Christ. Would we not be willing to lay down a few of our years here in order that some who have never heard the good news may hear?” – Christar workers serving in the Far East
Over three billion people around the globe don’t have the opportunity to know Jesus. Approximately four in 10 worldwide have little or no access to a fellowship of believers that preaches the gospel in their language and worships in a culturally relevant way. They can’t accept the good news of Christ because they’ve never known it.
It’s because of this overwhelming need that the Christar Mobilization Center U.S. (CMCUS) serves to identify, train and position workers to go where the gospel isn’t. We recognize that unless followers of Christ are sent to and remain in least-reached communities, much of the world will remain without a way to learn of the hope He offers.
However, lack of awareness, insufficient training and inadequate funds often prevent followers of Christ from serving in least-reached communities. The staff at the Mobilization Center is fully engaged to help break down these barriers and clear the path for effective ministry to the least-reached around the world. Increasingly, the Mobilization Center serves as a hub and launching pad for believers who are passionate about seeing more least-reached people worship Jesus.
Our mobilization team raises awareness of the opportunity to reach Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims in some of the most underserved areas of the world. As they share in churches and on college campuses, they help followers of Christ discover how their gifts and skills can be used by God for His glory in least-reached communities.
New workers undergo focused training in order to be fruitful in cross-cultural life and ministry. Seasoned workers walk alongside those preparing to serve. And, once workers arrive on the field, the Mobilization Center’s professional staff provide emotional and spiritual support, to help workers stay strong and effective in sharing Christ in their new communities.
Debt is a major hurdle that prohibits a significant number of students who want to serve God cross-culturally from making it to the field. On average, students who receive a bachelor’s degree graduate with over $30,000 of student loan debt. For students pursing long-term service in least-reached communities, paying off this debt can be a nearly insurmountable obstacle, delaying their arrival on the field or keeping them from getting there at all.
Through the Clearing the Path Scholarship Project, the Mobilization Center desires to help these potential workers overcome this obstacle by providing scholarships. It’s seeking to raise $50,000 to help to offset the cost of schooling*, so those who want to serve God among the least-reached can arrive on the field and begin ministry.
Will you partner with us so that more workers can make it to least-reached communities and share the gospel with those who’ve never heard? By helping the Mobilization Center recruit, train and provide scholarships for future cross-cultural workers, you make it possible for least-reached people to be introduced to the gospel and know the eternal hope found in Christ alone.
(*Costs are offset through subsidized internships and focused scholarships for those preparing to serve among the least-reached.)
Participate by Praying:
- Ask God to call many new workers to serve Him among the least-reached through the work of Christar mobilizers.
- Pray that training programs for new and experienced workers will equip them to minister effectively.
- Pray that the Christar Mobilization Center U.S. will increasingly be a place where believers can explore, discuss and be trained to serve among the least-reached.
- Ask God to provide the funds needed to provide scholarships for those seeking to share the gospel in least-reached communities.