The 2022 Giving Catalog is full of opportunities to give the gospel! The stories below, drawn from some of the projects featured in the catalog, give just a few examples of ways your generosity could make a meaningful and eternal difference in least-reached communities.
Equip Local Believers
These children belong to a community of peddlers who make their living traveling from village to village, trading and selling their wares. Their nomadic lifestyle prohibits their children from getting an education. Without structured homes, many of these boys and girls spend their time on the streets, increasing their risk of facing danger and setting them up for future poverty.
After praying and gaining consent from these children’s families, Teresa and her husband opened a hostel in their church building. They provide food, shelter and structure for about 50 children, including the opportunity to go to school. The kids participate in daily prayer and devotions, learning that Jesus is their Good Shepherd in whom they can trust for salvation and guidance.

In places where following Jesus could mean imprisonment, torture or death, those who follow Christ have few sources of support. But through the ministry of the Persian Outreach Project, Central Asian Christians are encouraged to remain strong in their faith in areas that are hostile to the gospel.
Musa* publicly shared his faith in one of these areas until a new political regime gained power, prompting him to flee to a neighboring country to escape persecution. When his visa expired, he was forced to return and live in hiding while holding fast to his faith. He is one among many facing isolation because he trusts in Jesus.
Believers Dauod and Soraya appealed for asylum in the U.S. Today, they and their small children wait in limbo for the documents required for them to move to America as refugees. As with Musa, no other local believers exist to provide fellowship or help.
But Central Asian believers serving through the Persian Outreach Project provide a lifeline of spiritual support. Through phone calls and online connection, these ministry partners counsel and pray with followers of Jesus, offering vital support.
Rosa* had no idea what she was missing. Though she grew up in a traditional Christian family in a Muslim country in the Middle East, she never understood the gospel. But as she participated in a six-session life-growth program held by Arab Woman Today, she realized that she did not have a personal relationship with the Lord.
She contacted a staff member who shared how she could know God and spend eternity in His presence. Rosa chose to follow Jesus as Lord and Savior. She is one of several women who have made similar decisions to experience true life in Christ.

Two Christar workers serving in the Middle East faced a long, arduous season of transition, loss and grief. Cleft of the Rock Ministry Center helped them heal. Cleft of the Rock provides a retreat where workers find rest, restoration and healing so they can remain effective on the field.
These workers shared, "We're so grateful for our magical week in the snow. Being there was such an important break from life in a mega-city; what a blessing to be able to let our kids run wild and free outside with their friends! We laughed, ate well, sat by the fire, roasted s'mores, sledded, played in the snow and enjoyed the dogs and horses. We prayed together and alone, went on long walks and fellowshipped with close friends. It was one of the most restful vacations we've ever had, and it couldn't have come at a better time."
When the pandemic severely restricted opportunities for work, many in South Asia struggled to provide for their families. Jobs were unavailable for men like Manu, a contractor and single father who lost his wife to COVID-19 last year. But now he’s employed as a foreman in the construction of the Barnabas Building, giving him income that covers his children's school fees, medical bills and other essential needs.
Manu and the others working on the Barnabas Building can see there’s something unique about Ravi and Amy,* the couple who started this project, and the way they treat each construction worker with kindness and respect—a rare trait in their society. As this couple interacts with the workers constructing the Barnabas Building, they are able to demonstrate that they serve a God who values and cares for each person. And they’re able to build relationships through which they can share the hope of Christ. “These men recognize that Ravi differs from the other employer they had worked for,” shares Amy. “We are humbled and privileged to have the opportunities to impact these men.”

Each summer, millions of children across the United States attend vacation Bible school programs. But there's something different about one of them.
The kids who participate in the Iraqi Refugee Outreach VBS come from several religious and ethnic backgrounds and are all part of families that came to the U.S. seeking peace and freedom. Before becoming refugees and immigrants, most had no access to the gospel communicated in their languages and cultures. But now, as they resettle in an unfamiliar land, they’re hearing the good news of a God who cares for them.
Two siblings attended last summer's VBS and returned this year with six cousins. Barbara,* a Christar worker, shared that the children love learning about Jesus. She also met two mothers who spoke English well and could hold in-depth conversations. "I look forward to continuing those relationships and sharing truth with these families."
The Beacon Community Center in France is a place where least-reached people from numerous nationalities experience Christ’s love through creative outreaches and connection with believers. Nandi met the center’s ministry team at an event and has now enrolled her kids in an English class. Basha attends a women’s outreach where she regularly interacts with believers from Muslim backgrounds. And Sarah comes for biblical counseling to heal a fractured marriage.
All are experiencing the love of Jesus. “People feel comfortable coming for prayer and encouragement and sharing their deepest heartaches, even if they are not believers yet,” shares Nora, who serves with this project.