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Giving Help

You have the ability to manage your account and set up new gifts or scheduled donations from your donor dashboard! This also enables you to view your past giving and print giving statements.
We’ve created a visual tutorial to guide you through the one-time set-up process. 

Below the log-in tutorial are instructions about basic uses of your online account.
Need to login or create an online account to give? Click the "LOGIN" button on the top right side of any Christar webpage.

If you already have an account on our website, enter your email address and password and click “Login”. If you’ve previously logged in to the website but cannot remember your password, click “Reset your password” and follow the instructions. If you do not have an account yet, click “Register”.

If registering for a new account, fill out the information below and click “Sign Up for Free”. The password must be at least 12 characters long and must contain at least 1 capital letter, 1 number and 1 symbol.

Hooray, you have a password! Now you can access your dashboard or go to the website. To get to your dashboard, click on the person icon on the top right side. This opens a menu. Choose the information that you would like to view.

To go to the main home page, click on the Christar logo, or click PRAY, LEARN, GO, SEND or GIVE, depending on what you want to see.

In the future, you can access your dashboard at by clicking the “LOGIN” button on the top right side. Use the email address that you provided and the password that you just created.

Using Your Donor Account

Updating Your Address 

When you are logged into your giving account on, hover over the blue person (in the blue circle) at the top right and select the "Edit Profile" option. Scroll down to the address section, enter the address and save.

Making Changes to Giving

If you're logged in, hover over the blue person (in the blue circle) at the top right and select “My Giving. The page that loads enables you to update/cancel a recurring gift as well as to update or add a payment method.

To Update or Cancel a Recurring Gift 

Scroll down past “My Gifts” to where it says “Recurring Gifts. Your monthly donation/s are listed there. On the right are three horizontal lines. Click those, then click “Edit.  

  • You can change the amount on the top right-hand side of the pop-up box. 

  • To cancel the gift, either put an end date on the left, or change the bottom left gold button from “Active” to “Canceled. 

Updating a Payment Method 

Scroll down past “My Gifts” and “Recurring Gifts” to where it saysMy Payment Options. Your financial giving methods are listed there. 

On the right of each one there are three horizontal lines. Click those, then click “Edit. You can update the card's expiration date or security code OR the bank account information on the new page that loads. 

Adding a Payment Method 

To the right of the “My Payment Options” header there is a yellow button to “Add Payment Method. Click there, then fill in the payment information on the new page that loads. When you have completed that, click the yellow “Save” button. 

Next you will need to connect the new giving method to your recurring gift. Hover over the blue person at the top right and select “My Giving” again. Then scroll down past “My Gifts” to “Recurring Gifts”. Your monthly donation/s are listed there. On the right are three horizontal lines. Click those, then click “Edit. In the little popup box, there are three yellow dropdowns on the left-hand side. Click the down arrow next to the middle one (“Payment Method”) and select the new payment method that you just saved.


Downloading Your Annual Statement 

Hover over the blue person in the circle at the top right of any page on the website. Click “My Statements” in the dropdown. Then select the year from the dropdown on the left. That will show you all your gifts in the year you select. Click the blue "Download Giving Statement” button below the year dropdown. A popup window will ask you where on your computer you want to save it. Navigate to an easy-to-find option such as Downloads or Desktop, and click the gray “Save” button at the bottom right of the popup.