Our Next Chapter
Adapting for Effectiveness With the Church at the Center
God’s great story of redemption isn’t finished yet. And the Church is still at the center.
Since He poured out the gift of the Holy Spirit upon believers at Pentecost, God has been working through the Body of Christ to draw people from every nation to Himself. The Church has continually been the next chapter as the Lord has used it in unique and diverse ways to accomplish His purposes across the globe.
The Body of Christ remains integral to this story—one that we recognize isn’t yet complete. Worldwide more than four in 10 people are least-reached: without access to a church that proclaims the gospel in their language and worships in a way that’s relevant in their culture. And so, as God continues to build His Church, we endeavor to more effectively be part of what He is doing in the present and in the future.
Drawing upon our heritage of cultivating Christ-honoring transformation in communities that were previously cut off from the good news, we’re pursuing new strategies that enable followers of Jesus to live out the gospel in places where it isn’t yet known. We’re seeking to connect people with opportunities to use their unique gifts, skills and vocations for God’s glory as they serve as extensions of the Body of Christ in least-reached communities.
We partner with churches to send believers who serve not only through traditional avenues but also through their professional pursuits and business endeavors in places where few know of the treasure we have in Jesus. While our vision to cultivate Christ-honoring transformation in least-reached communities remains unchanged, we’re prayerfully adapting so we can minister effectively in our next chapter.
To reflect our desire to serve in a changing world, we have adopted a new look:
As an illustration of our vision and values, our new logo combines four arrows all focusing toward a central point: the Body of Christ. The arrows’ edges radiate outward, symbolizing the transformative role of the Church.
The arrow at the bottom represents godliness. A growing relationship with Christ embodied in worshipful service is the foundation for a healthy believer and a flourishing church.
The arrow on the left represents people, the members of the Body. As it points inward, the arrow’s tips radiate from the center to remind us that God uses people not only to minister within the Church but to communicate His glory to those who aren’t yet in the Body.
The arrow on the right represents creativity. Its unique color reminds us that God has created and gifted His Church with diverse individuals. Innovative solutions to challenges emerge as we creatively labor together toward Christ-honoring transformation.
The arrow at the top represents effectiveness. Through the Spirit, the Body of Christ seeks to serve the Lord and live out His commands. The tips of the arrow point outward and upward, illustrating a living, growing fruitfulness.