Four New Year’s Resolutions with an Eternal Impact
New Year’s resolution time is here! While there’s nothing wrong with resolving to hit the gym or eat less junk food, how about making a commitment that can change lives beyond your own—maybe for eternity? Consider ringing in the new year with a resolution that can make an eternal difference in the lives of people who’ve never heard the gospel.
“I’ll pray for the least-reached every day.”
James 5:16b (NIV) tells us that “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” Over and over, we’ve seen God work as His people have prayed! When you set aside time each day to lift up the needs of the least-reached, you play a real and powerful role in meeting these needs. Our monthly prayer guide makes it easy to pray specifically for the least-reached on a daily basis.
“I’ll connect with a cross-cultural worker every month.”
Workers serving in least-reached communities aren’t spiritual superheroes. They get lonely and discouraged like everyone else. One simple way that you can encourage them is by getting in touch on a regular basis, via email, video chat or snail mail. You don’t need to write a lot to be an encouragement—try sharing a little bit about what’s going on in your life and letting that worker know that you’re praying for him or her. One word of caution: be sure to follow any security guidelines the worker may have given you.
“I’ll get a taste of ministry among the least-reached.”
Have you always wondered what ministry in a least-reached community is like? Make this the year that you find out! Our short-term opportunities range from two weeks to two years and enable you to serve alongside experienced church planters. Choose one of the varied opportunities we offer, or build a custom trip that’s a good fit for your skills and gifts.
“I’ll give regularly to support a church planter.”
Many Christar workers depend on the monthly or quarterly gifts of individuals and churches to remain on the field. Even a few dollars, given on a regular basis, can make a big difference. And it’s easy to set yourself up for success with this resolution: When you give online you can schedule monthly, quarterly or annual donations.