Praying Daily for Christar Workers
SUNDAY: Spiritual Life
A vibrant faith rooted in God’s grace and goodness is vital for cross-cultural life and ministry. However, in isolated or stressful situations, maintaining a healthy spiritual life can be a challenge.
Pray for:
- Consistent times for prayer and Scripture meditation and study
- Meaningful worship and opportunities for fellowship
- An ongoing awareness of God’s love, acceptance and presence
- Personal purity and increasing godliness
- Perseverance in times of spiritual drought or when effectiveness is not visible
MONDAY: Cross-cultural Living & Learning
To present the gospel in relevant ways, workers must learn to live in cultures vastly different from their own. Often this involves learning a new language, wearing different clothing and eating unfamiliar foods.
Pray for:
- Sensitivity and insight into the local culture
- Humility and confidence in relating to those in the community
- Perseverance and progress in language learning
- Opportunities to build relationships with those who do not yet know Christ
- The ability to set realistic expectations and boundaries
TUESDAY: Family & Team Relationships
Living and working in community is a great blessing and encouragement to workers. However, building a shared vision, achieving unity in decision-making, maintaining clear communication and setting realistic expectations all take intentional focus and time.
Pray for:
- Strong and supportive marital relationships
- The educational and emotional needs of children
- Spiritual protection for families, especially for children
- A spirit of cooperation on each team
- Eagerness to submit to and learn from each other
- Resolution of conflict
- God to call additional workers to join teams
WEDNESDAY: Place of Service
Many Christar workers live in areas of limited infrastructure, extreme poverty, war or conflict, distrust of foreigners and persecution of Christians. Take time to learn about the history, culture and current political situation of the country where workers serve.
Pray for:
- Political and economic situations
- Growth of the national church
- Visas: continued ability to live and work in place of service
- Safety for Christian workers
- Unity with national believers
- Effectiveness in setting up businesses, opening clinics, starting schools, etc.
THURSDAY: Support Team
Behind each person in ministry is a team undergirding their efforts through prayer, financial support and administrative help.
Pray for:
- Individuals and churches to intercede daily on behalf of the workers, the work and the peoples being reached
- God’s people to be blessed and able to give generously
- Extra funds for unexpected expenses
- Recruitment of short-term workers
- The support staff members at the Christar Mobilization Center as they process funds, oversee insurance, recruit and train more workers, provide spiritual and emotional support and promote the work of Christar
FRIDAY: Fruitfulness in Ministry
Cultivating Christ-honoring transformation where Christ is not yet known is a process that can often take a long time. Workers can become discouraged when they don’t see answers to their prayers or fruit from their labors.
Pray for:
- Abiding relationships with Christ
- The fruit of the Spirit to grow abundantly in the lives of workers
- Daily encouragement
- Many to come to Christ
- Successful church-planting efforts
SATURDAY: Physical Needs
Workers have many of the same physical and practical needs as anyone does, but meeting them may be a bit more complicated in cross-cultural contexts or remote areas. There may be limited access to medical care or to places for retreat.
Pray for:
- Regular rest and times of relaxation
- Nutritious food and regular exercise
- Health and good medical care
- Freedom from depression, loneliness or anxiety
- Suitable housing and safe, reliable transportation
Prayer Guides
Christar workers are not sent out to work among the least-reached until they have 100 people committed to pray for them daily. Perhaps you are one God has called to pray and to believe with and for them, trusting that He can and will accomplish great things as together we seek His will and glory. If you want to be a worker's prayer partner, be sure to let them know you are praying with them! They will send periodic prayer letters and updates on their specific needs.
DOWNLOAD this daily prayer calendar as a guide to help you lift up the various aspects of a worker’s life and ministry each day. Christar also posts daily prayer items for ministry needs and publishes a monthly prayer calendar.