Praying to Love
I recently found an old letter, from a friend I haven’t spoken to in years, tucked in my desk drawer. Reading her forgotten words of friendship deeply encouraged me. But what got me most was her prayer for me. She not only told me she was praying for me but also wrote out a specific and heartfelt intercession for me. I felt deeply loved.
Our society talks a lot about love. We know the movies, the songs and Bible verses that define and explain love to us. Love is easy to recognize. But even after all the sermons, love stories and good intentions, I don’t love well much of the time. But what if love looked different from what the movies show us? What if love was embodied in us as we lift each other up to the One who loves us more than we can even begin to fathom?
Prayer is a way you can love your present and future mission field now and love the people you care for and will miss deeply once you are on the field. A team member here at Christar recently shared with me this quote by Elizabeth Elliot: “Intercession is the highest expression of love—it is pure giving. Teach me such love, dear Lord.”
You may argue that if you are only praying for people, your love may go unnoticed. But dear people, I’m not proposing you stop at just prayer. Instead, ask God how you can tangibly show love to your loved ones and your future field relationships. As you pray, ask Him to show you how to love those people well, empowered through prayer.
This is the kind of love I long to have for others. This is what I long for all of you, not for our glorification, but for the edification and encouragement of the body of Christ.
Here’s my dream for y’all:
- Your love for prayer is strengthened
- Your love for others overflows
- Your heart for prayer challenges others to grow in their love for prayer
- Others receive your love and are inspired to love as well
- People learn of Jesus’ love for them through the example of your love for them
I’m praying this for you!
Laura lives in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where she freelances in various capacities, leads worship at her church and hangs with her adorably photogenic dog named Kimchi. She’s well acquainted with the chaos of trying to determine what to do in life.
Laura went to Bible college, where she explored cross-cultural ministry through classes, conferences and lots of practical application. After college she went to grad school, taught, went to South Korea for a year, worked for Christar, then spent a good chunk of the last decade working with international students in high school and college in the U.S.
She would love to journey with you as you consider missions—because she’s been there. Because reaching the nations is going to look different than it did in centuries past. And she wants you to be a part of it.