Six Tips for Reaching the Least-Reached in Your Neighborhood
God is bringing the least-reached to us! More immigrants live in the United States today than ever before, many of them have yet to be introduced to the gospel. But you could change that! Here are six practical tips for meeting and reaching out to the least-reached in your neighborhood.
1. Pray, pray, PRAY!
Ask the Lord to guide you to the least-reached individuals and families in your neighborhood. Ask Him to provide opportunities to interact with those who are open to developing meaningful relationships, and to use you to share the gospel with them.
2. Make the most of every opportunity.
Keep your eyes and heart open. Sporting events, school functions, the gym, grocery stores, hospitals and doctors’ offices, restaurants, coffee shops and gas stations are just a few of the places where you might encounter least-reached people. Don’t be afraid to start a conversation!
3. Look into English classes.
Many least-reached people in the West are seeking to learn English, which makes English as a second language classes great places to connect with them. Contact local community colleges or adult education centers to learn how you could assist in teaching or tutoring English, or simply serve as a conversation partner.
4. Practice hospitality.
Hospitality is of extremely high value in most cultures, and when you show it, you open doors to build relationships through which you can share the gospel. Welcome your least-reached friends into your home, and be willing to accept offers of hospitality in return.
5. Build genuine friendships.
Relationships require spending time together! Seek ways to be involved in the lives of your least-reached friends, and invite them to be a part of yours. For example, offer a ride if they need one and ask them to join you and your family the next time you go to a sporting event or on a picnic.
6. Celebrate the Differences.
Exposure to another culture can feel overwhelming or intimidating if you don’t know how to act or interpret the information around you. Your international friends may experience that feeling often. Ask them to introduce you to their culture through a trip to an international market, art exhibit or a traditional meal.
Participate by Praying:
- Ask God to open your eyes to the least-reached communities around you.
- Pray for opportunities to reach out and share the hope you have with those who may have never heard the good news.