![Six Tips for Sharing Jesus with a Hindu Friend](/data/FileManager/thumbnails/files/Resources/Six Tips for Sharing Jesus with a Hindu Friend_1583337660_600x400.jpg)
Six Tips for Sharing Jesus with a Hindu Friend
As more Hindus migrate to the West, Christians in the West have increased opportunities to develop relationships and share the gospel with them! These six tips provide a good starting point for anyone with a heart to share Jesus with a Hindu friend.
1. Pray for them.
Ultimately, your efforts will not result in your friend coming to Christ unless God works in your friend’s heart. That’s why it’s crucial to begin with prayer—and to keep praying regularly! Lift up your Hindu friend in prayer on a daily basis, asking the Lord to open that friend’s heart and mind.
2. Build true friendships.
Hindu culture is relational, which means that building sincere friendships with Hindus is crucial for anyone seeking to share the good news with them. Seek to develop genuine relationships, loving them as Christ does and investing time in getting to know them. Look for ways to be involved in their lives, and invite them to be a part of yours.
3. Pray with them.
Don’t merely pray for your Hindu friends—pray with them! Many Hindus welcome offers to pray with them about their needs and concerns. Unlike Westerners, who tend to evaluate truth based upon rational arguments and evidence, many people from Eastern cultures tend to evaluate truth based upon experiences. So, specific answers to prayer can have great impact! In addition, as you pray, you demonstrate that you worship a loving God who cares about our concerns.
4. Practice what you preach.
Evidence of the fruit of the Spirit in our lives will likely be more persuasive than our words. Both Hindu and Christian traditions value simplicity, self-sacrifice and humility, and as we live by these principles, our faith will become more attractive than if we simply talk about these values.
5. Focus on Jesus, not criticism.
It’s unlikely that we’ll win Hindu friends to Jesus if we exalt Christianity, criticize their gods and beliefs or condemn their practices. As you share biblical truth, keep the focus on Jesus and not on tearing down what your friend believes.
6. Tell stories about Jesus.
Telling stories about Jesus can be a very effective way to communicate the gospel! Tell stories from the gospels and share examples of Jesus’ active presence in your life, relaying them like a story, not like a theological treatise. Jesus can speak for Himself—pray that He will do so in the hearts of your Hindu friends as you share!