Great Commission Resources
Tools to Help You Participate in God’s Global Purposes
Taking a step ahead doesn’t mean denying the struggle.
God uses our failures to redeem us, refine us and reveal aspects of His own character.
Working through conflict will bring growth, learning and understanding.
Do you ever wonder why God is allowing your experience to be harder than it seemingly needs to be?
In times of uncertainty, we can trust in His faithfulness.
There is plenty to talk about in the realm of finances and missions, and a lot of it can be uncomfortable to talk about.
Though we are prone to sickness and weakness, we can trust that He continues to work through us.
About one in five adults will struggle with a diagnosable mental disorder at some point in a given year. But God brings hope, no matter what.
I’m still not always sure if I know what I am or what I am supposed to do with my life. But God will lead you on a good path if you trust Him.
My father is gone, but praise God for His kindness and goodness. He is near to those who are hurting.