Aid that Opens the Hearts of Refugees
When Mehmoud* and his family arrived as refugees in their host country, only Mehmoud was a follower of Christ. His wife, Esta, and his three children followed Islam. Esta lived in fear that her family would be persecuted because of her husband’s faith.
This refugee family had been separated and then displaced, and they came to their host country in dire straits. Like millions of other refugees, they had huge and pressing needs—needs local believers were ready to help meet. Right after Mehmoud and his family arrived, followers of Christ from a local church began reaching out to them. These believers provided the family with some necessities and began visiting them regularly. As they did, they told Esta and the children about the hope found only in Jesus.
As these believers patiently shared the gospel, God was at work. After many visits, Esta and each of the children accepted Christ, and the entire family was baptized!
Mehmoud and Esta didn’t just become followers of Christ. They joined the efforts of the believers who’d ministered to them. Pastor Rashad, who coordinates this Middle Eastern church’s outreach to refugees shares, “The whole family turned into believers and servants. And now, Esta teaches in the women’s ministry, and Mehmoud helps guide the church’s ministry for the displaced.”
Many Places, Similar Testimonies
Throughout the Middle East, God is drawing refugees to Himself as believers reach out to them! Christar workers are blessed to partner with many of these believers, including those who ministered to Mehmoud and his family. These workers are cooperating with churches across the region to provide aid such as food, blankets and heaters. They also minister through outreaches such as trauma counseling and educational programs. As they do, they hear testimony after testimony of refugees who’ve come to Christ as they’ve experienced the love of believers.
As Pastor Rashad explains,
[Refugees] can see before their eyes how they are being cared for, and thus give thanks to the Lord for this provision. The Lord Himself saved many of them. … We have seen with our own eyes how many come to the Lord and hear His word through the aid and assistance we have provided for them.
From Pastor Rashad’s church alone, workers have heard numerous stories of refugees who’ve not only placed their faith in Christ, but have also joined the church’s outreach to others:
- Omar and his family have been displaced three times, each time starting from scratch. But God is using him to bless other refugees.
- At first, Hydar refused to enter the church building when his family attended services. But, he heard and was changed by God’s Word.
- Ali was supporting seven of his family members when believers reached out to him, giving him and his family a place to stay. He was drawn to the church, and when he heard the good news, he surrendered his life to Christ.
- Believers provided food and lodging for Elyas, Rima and their four children, and told them about Jesus. Now they’re committed believers and active in the church.
These are examples from just one of the many churches with which Christar workers are partnering to reach refugees. We praise God that He’s working in similar ways throughout the Middle East! Join us in thanking Him for using the outreach of Christar workers and local believers, not only to meet these refugees’ needs, but also to draw them to faith in Christ.
Participate by Praying:
- Praise God for opening the hearts of refugees to the gospel.
- Pray for wisdom for Christar workers and local Christian leaders as they seek to meet the vast needs of refugees.
- Ask God to provide the funds needed to provide aid and outreach materials for refugees.
- Pray that many more refugees will become followers of Christ as they experience the love of believers.