“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.”
(Matthew 9:37,38 NASB)
The Lord of the Harvest, God Himself, has told us how the story will end. When the harvest of nations is complete, myriads will stand before His throne in worship! Until that day, He invites us to ask Him to send out workers to make disciples and teach them to follow Him. At Christar we establish churches to bring about Christ-honoring transformation where He is not yet worshiped. But first, we ask. We beseech. We pray. Will you join us?
Christar workers go to places where worship is absent, because there are still those who do not know Jesus. They don’t realize that He created and shaped each of them. He has crafted each one in the image of the invisible God. Though the usurper would enslave their hearts and blind many to the truth, there is hope for those who have never heard.
There is salvation for those who strive for peace with God. There is Truth that satisfies desperation’s every question. There is a Light that will not be overcome by darkness.
God of the nations, Lord of the Harvest, True and Living God, will you send more workers? Will you raise up many to go, to give, to pray. Will You send Your people to bring in Your harvest, those who are ready, who are waiting to hear to Your good news?
Ask. Pray. Give. Go
Participate by Praying:
- Use our guide to pray for Christar workers each day of the week.
- Join us in daily prayer for the least-reached and for Christar workers who cultivate Christ-honoring transformation in these communities where His worship isn’t yet known.