Christar or Retirement?
I sensed the hand of God on my life the moment I met that man sitting in the restaurant—the man who talked with me for three hours and invited me to join him as he traveled to the Andes Mountains to train local pastors. Then on our layover in Miami, he asked me to teach. I accepted the challenge.
That “random” meeting directed the next 20 years of my life. The Lord used it to guide me to two decades of traveling to many countries around the globe and teaching Bible topics to pastors and Christian workers in remote areas where education is quite hard to come by.
But six years ago, the Lord again spoke to me about including a curriculum about how to use business as a way of sharing one’s faith. I was burdened by the life struggles so many folks experience in remote or hostile areas and saw how business endeavors could address some of these challenges in ways that open opportunities to communicate the gospel.
The Lord almost audibly reminded me that my career in DuPont had equipped me well to hold seminars about business, money management and entrepreneurship in presentations around the world. In addition, I had learned enough about cross-cultural relationships to do this is a truly indigenous manner, crafting each session to be relevant the local customs and business climate.
I created several PowerPoint presentations aimed at answering questions such as “What did Jesus have to say about money?” “What should be the Christian attitude toward business?” and “How can a follower of Christ use his or her business background to ‘make disciples’ as we are commanded to do in the Great Commission?” God brought audiences in Peru, Ecuador, China, Vietnam, Cote d’Ivoire, Ukraine and numerous other countries. Each training was tailored to the needs of the local people, and two-day seminars were popular. Often, I followed these presentations with two days of coaching believers who had attended, paying attention to their unique ideas.
In 2019, I discovered that Christar has an interest in doing a similar thing: using business to promote the love of Christ. Once again, God pointed the way, and I saw how I could be involved as a mentor and coach to those seeking to pursue business ventures in least-reached communities.
This is my chance to give back (in part) what He has given me. Each year serving with Christar is more exciting and fulfilling as I labor with others who are like-minded. I want to remain engaged until He comes.
How about you? Do we not want to hear His words “Well done, good and faithful servant?”