Sharing the Treasure: The Constant Catalyst
When we packed up our office in Pennsylvania over a decade ago in preparation for our to move to Texas, we didn’t keep our vast collection of overhead transparencies. Though we’d worked hard on them, and they had proven useful in the past, we had moved on to use other presentation tools that enabled us to minister effectively in the present.
Likewise, when we relocated to a new office facility here in Richardson a couple months ago, we abandoned numerous things that no longer served us well and have begun embracing new means of ministry that enable us to do our work with excellence in the here and now. God has used the pandemic to help us see that we can be better stewards of the resources He has given us by occupying a smaller, more strategically configured space. As many of our staff began working from home, we discovered that we could be effective and efficient without serving from the same location, and our thinking about how we worked in the mobilization center evolved.
Now, in place of rows of individual offices, our new location has coworking spaces and open rooms with sofas and coffee tables, providing comfortable places that facilitate collaboration. We’ve recognized that many of our staff enjoy working from home at least part time and can do so effectively; in light of that, we’ve designed our current facility as a place where they can work together well during the more limited hours in which they’re in the office.
In our office and on Christar teams around the world, our ministry must adapt because our world changes. But our message and our goal remain unaltered because our Savior is the same yesterday, today and forever. This constant is the catalyst that prompts us to pursue new means and models of service: We want the least-reached to know our eternally steadfast and gracious God! This vision inspires us to take action and stretch for continued effectiveness.
As we prayerfully engage in creative and innovative means of bringing the gospel to the least-reached, we rest in the knowledge that our Lord not only sees and allows change, but sovereignly ordains it for His glory. Daniel recognized this in his prayer of thanks recorded in Daniel 2:
Blessed be the name of God forever and ever,
to whom belong wisdom and might.
He changes times and seasons;
he removes kings and sets up kings; (Daniel 2:20b-21a ESV)
Just as Daniel did, we rejoice that God brings about change for His glory. In addition, we praise the Lord that He not only orchestrates this change, but He gives wisdom so that we can minister effectively in the midst of it: “he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.” (Daniel 2:21b ESV)
Across the globe, our God has guided and equipped us to adapt so that we can make Him name known in communities where He isn’t yet worshiped. In France He’s led workers to pursue a social media outreach that has enabled them to connect with people who’ve never heard the gospel—and because they were willing to adapt, they’re meeting those who are not only open to the good news but eager to know Jesus.
None of our founders were involved in ministry via social media or could fathom virtual meetings. Yet, as we adapt, we carry out the same vision they sought to fulfill: the unchanging goal of cultivating Christ-honoring transformation in communities where He isn’t yet worshiped. It is this desire—to see the least-reached know and glorify our Savior—that continually catalyzes change that enables us to make Him known.
Dr. Steve Coffey, Director of Christar U.S., began work with Christar in 1989. He and his wife, Beth, initially served among North African immigrants in France. In 2001, they returned to the U.S. for Steve to lead the Christar Church Planting Division. In 2005 he became Director of Christar. Before serving with Christar, the Coffeys worked for a year in a humanitarian project in the Red Sea hills of Sudan among the Beja people. Dr. Coffey’s education includes an undergraduate degree in history education from Liberty University, a Master of Divinity from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Strategic Leadership from Regent University. The Coffeys have three children and four grandchildren.
Each month Steve shares insights on how God is at work among the least-reached through Christar and its partners. Check out his Sharing the Treasure series.