Four Ways God’s Working Among Persians
God is working in Persian communities in both the Middle East and the West! Here are four ways Christar workers see Him moving in the hearts of Persians.
God’s bringing them to places where they can hear the gospel.
God is using the refugee crisis to move Persians from communities with little or no gospel witness to places where they can hear the good news. As more and more Persians become refugees and migrants, Christar workers and local believers have unprecedented opportunities to tangibly demonstrate God’s love and share the hope that’s found only in Him.
Many are coming to Christ.
God isn’t just bringing Persians to places where they can hear the gospel. He’s drawing them to Himself! Each week, Christar workers in several Persian communities report that more people have trusted in Christ. In one city, 15 people believed in over the course of two months, with five giving their lives to Christ in one day! In another city, during that same period, 60 people came to Christ!
God’s giving them a hunger for His word.
Christar workers in several locations share about Persian believers who are eager to study the Bible. Just a few weeks after Roya* publicly acknowledged her faith in Christ, she asked Christar workers if they could hold a Bible study more often. Roya and 15 other Persian women already spend several hours each week studying God’s word, but Roya was hungry for more. “Can’t you have this class twice a week instead of once?” she asked. “I’m learning so much!”
They’re sharing Jesus with others.
God is moving in the hearts of many Persian believers, prompting them to share the good news with others. Many are bringing friends to church plants and leading them in praying to accept God’s free gift of salvation.
They’re also reaching out in their communities! Teams of Persian believers from one church planted by Christar workers reach out in their neighborhood several times each week. These teams distribute Christian materials and seek to share the truth. God is blessing their outreach! Through it, many are hearing the gospel for the first time, and some have trusted in Christ.
Participate by Praying:
- Praise God for bringing many Persians to places where they can hear the gospel!
- Ask God to continue to draw many Persians to Himself.
- Pray for wisdom for Christar workers serving among Persians as they seek to share the gospel in culturally relevant ways and effectively disciple new believers.