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Perspective in the Wake of a Pandemic
As we enter another Christmas season, it is important to maintain perspective on what we know to be true. Despite challenges in the past two years, we have so much to be thankful for! God showed His faithfulness in remarkable ways.
While we are certainly aware of many devastating consequences of the pandemic, we rejoice that the Lord has worked in the midst of it to remind many people of what is most important in life and bring opportunities to learn and to minister in new ways. As we reflect on all God has done in this challenging time, we’re encouraged to continue to adapt for His glory.
Redeeming the Days
When the pandemic hit, countless workers were unable to travel and nearly all short-term trips were forced to be canceled. But, while borders were closed, did that mean that ministry stopped? Absolutely not! We are grateful that amid the many limitations caused by pandemic, the Lord opened doors for many workers to care for those in need, explore new ideas, think creatively and engage in new ministries.
Other workers used the time for additional training, language learning and connecting with supporters and family. Challenges forced individuals, churches and organizations to explore their means, think outside of the box and adapt to the needs of the moment. The pandemic also presented opportunities to reach out those who were facing pressing physical needs as workers sought to embrace open doors for ministry God had placed before them.
Rather than make excuses or become victims of circumstances, they chose to live out Ephesians 5:15-16 (NIV): “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” It has been humbling and encouraging to see so many of our workers make the most of their days.
Praise God for Technology!
Nothing can fully replace authentic, in-person interactions. However, technology can open digital doors of access for the gospel among people without other ways to be introduced to the good news.
In today’s world, it’s easy to take modern technology for granted. We’re capable of instantaneously contacting someone on the other side of the world—a far cry from Paul’s hand-written letters to the early churches!
The world is more interconnected today than it has ever been in human history. This reality challenges us to consider if we are utilizing technology and the gifts God has given us to the best of our ability. It also prompts us to give thanks for the creativity and faithfulness exemplified by our workers as they used technology to create opportunities. Below are just a few examples:
- Redeeming a Summer of Cancelled Plans
- A Sovereign Plan in Place for Online Ministry
- Facebook Connections With the Spiritually Hungry
We also rejoice that many churches that send and support Christar workers have seen God at work as they sought to utilize technology. Despite the pandemic, in many cases, attendance for online services and events increased in the last two years. Interest in spiritual matters also grew. We’re excited to see how local fellowships of believers can continue leveraging their resources to reach people in their neighborhoods as well as those far beyond their city limits.
God can create access through technology; how can we participate? As we look forward, we’re encouraged to continually consider how we might be able to leverage technology to better equip and disciple believers and to introduce least-reached people to the gospel.
What now?
In this season of Advent, we anticipate and celebrate the coming of Christmas. We marvel at the wonder and miracle of Christ’s birth—a sacred reminder that we worship an almighty Savior who humbled Himself to meet us in our humanity. We don’t have to fix our circumstances or make ourselves holy to come before the Lord. The abundant grace of God comes down to meet us exactly where we are—exactly where He has placed us.
“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18 NIV)
Amid tremendous hardships and losses throughout the pandemic, we are thankful for a good, sovereign God who sees and supersedes all things and remains seated on His throne. Though life has looked different in this season, ministry is ongoing and new opportunities are being presented as we look at the world and the needs around us.
Praise God that He invites us into His bigger story of redeeming and reconciling the nations—for our good and for His glory.