Sharing the Treasure: Our Reach is Long
Sharing the treasure we have in Jesus is a group effort! In recognition of the many people and initiatives that play crucial roles in enabling Christar to establish churches among the least-reached, I’ve asked several who serve in the Christar Mobilization Center U.S. (CMCUS) to share how different parts of the Body of Christ contribute to cultivating Christ-honoring transformation. This month, Nancy, who serves as the Director of Donor Engagement for the CMCUS, shares how support teams play active and vital roles in ministry.
Ministry isn’t dependent on proximity. One of the many lessons of this time of social distancing is that members of the Body of Christ are connected not by their ability to gather physically but by their shared faith. And, as we see more clearly that the Church isn’t defined by walls, we’re reminded that every follower of Jesus is called to be part of bringing His good news to people who don’t yet know Him.
Cultivating Christ-honoring transformation in least-reached communities is truly a group effort, and that group extends far beyond those God calls to serve Him across cultures. For example, the Lord uses numerous people to share the hope they have in Christ with a young woman, who embraces this good news. When He prompts her to serve among the least-reached, Christar mobilizers connect her with a ministry opportunity that’s a good fit for the ways He has gifted and prepared her; a sending church encourages her to pursue this calling. Christar staff and volunteers serve and equip her at training events; individuals and churches share their finances to send her and introduce her to others who can participate in her ministry as well. More churches rally around her, and by the time she begins long-term service, 100 people are praying for her daily.
Many members of the body of Christ, in many locations, are part of this one worker’s ministry by the time she reaches the field. But the role of Christ’s diverse body is just beginning. For years—and, by God’s grace, decades—her support team participates in her service from afar, standing behind her through their faithful prayer and giving. As they do, they hear how the Lord opens hearts and gives divine appointments for her to share the treasure she has in His Son. As they learn of least-reached people embracing the gospel, they are not mere observers: They are vital partners in cultivating the transformation only possible through Jesus.
Each month, Steve shares in his blog some of the many ways that the Christar family is “Sharing the Treasure” of Jesus, and all who give and pray are an indispensable part of introducing least-reached people to our Savior. They play a vital role in Christ’s Body as they support each Christar worker at every stage of ministry.
I invite you to consider your role in making the treasure you have in Christ known in least-reached communities. Even in—and, in ways, especially in—this season of social distancing, our world is close and our individual reach is long. Technology allows a worker in the Middle East to meet via videoconference with supporters stateside for prayer and enables a supporting church to provide timely encouragement and resources to a team in South Asia. Like never before, all of us can play active parts in the spread of the gospel where it hasn’t yet taken hold by investing in those who are directly sharing the message of Christ in these communities.
So, extend your reach. Connect with a Christar worker you know today. Send that email you’ve been meaning to write. Set up a time to video chat. Ask to receive their teammates’ prayer letters so you can pray more knowledgeably for the whole team’s ministry. And, if you’d like to become more personally involved but don’t know how, please email me at [email protected].
God wants you to share the treasure you have in Christ! Together, may we introduce many to the greatest gift of Jesus.
Dr. Steve Coffey, Director of Christar U.S., began work with Christar in 1989. He and his wife, Beth, initially served among North African immigrants in France. In 2001, they returned to the U.S. for Steve to lead the Christar Church Planting Division. In 2005 he became Director of Christar. Before serving with Christar, the Coffeys worked for a year in a humanitarian project in the Red Sea hills of Sudan among the Beja people. Dr. Coffey’s education includes an undergraduate degree in history education from Liberty University, a Master of Divinity from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Strategic Leadership from Regent University. The Coffeys have three children and four grandchildren.