True Hope and a Joyful Future
Though she was still a girl, Yasmeen* had experienced more loss than most people do in a lifetime. War in her homeland claimed the lives of her father and one of her sisters and eventually stole her home from her as well. When her mother, Naomi, fled with her and her remaining siblings for a neighboring country in the Middle East, she left behind not only loved ones but also countless hopes and dreams.
But God had not abandoned His plan to give Yasmeen and her family a hope and a future. Through the Arab Center for Consulting and Training Services (ACCTS) and the friendship of Christar worker Sandra, they’ve not only received practical help but have been encountering the Savior who longs to meet their loss with love, hope and a future.
As this family has struggled with numerous aspects of life as refugees, Sandra has walked alongside them, offering a listening ear and caring prayer. When Yasmeen was overwhelmed with anxiety about her graduation exams, which she knew would play a pivotal role in her future, Sandra was there. As the young woman shared how her stress was leaving her in tears each night, Sandra prayed for her in the name of Jesus, lifting up her needs and fears to the Lord.
God has answered that prayer, not by enabling Yasmeen to pass but by continuing to give her glimpses of His love while providing income for her while she studies to retake the exam. Since accepting Sandra’s offer of a job at the ACCTS, Yasmeen now earns a regular salary by sewing gift items to be sold by the center, and she’s used that money to pay for a tutor to help her prepare to take her graduation test again. And, as she works, she’s continually exposed to the everlasting peace of Christ.
Yasmeen and her families are exceptions to the norm: Many of the refugees from Yasmeen’s homeland have never heard the gospel, and as displaced people in other lands, they often have even fewer opportunities to be introduced to the good news in their own language and in a culturally relevant way. But, through Sandra and her coworkers at the ACCTS, many like Yasmeen are discovering the God who can give them true hope and a joyful future.
The ACCTS Community Center was honored to be one of the five beneficiaries of the BLESS Foundation’s 2019 Light the World fundraising banquet and auction. Thanks to the gifts of donors at this event, the community center was able to bring the hope of Christ to 688 Syrian refugee and other vulnerable women and children in the Middle East! Over 200 children benefitted from safe, caring daycare, while women with few resources received training in skills to supplement their incomes and found priceless community.
In addition, one generous donor completely covered the cost of the community center’s 2019 Christmas program. There, 200 women learned about God’s love, enjoyed lunch and received a gift and meal to share with their families.
Participate by Praying
- Pray for Yasmeen and her family, that God would continue to meet their needs and draw them to Himself.
- Praise God for using the ACCTS to bless many in similar situations to Naomi and Yasmeen.
- Pray for encouragement and support for Sandra and the other workers at ACCTS, that they would be equipped to reach out to the women who come to the center.