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30 Ways to Pray for Refugees

30 Ways to Pray for Refugees

Through prayer, every believer can be involved in ministry to refugees! Check out these 30 ways you can lift up refugees’ needs, and pray for those seeking to meet these needs and share Christ’s love.

Ask God to provide for the needs of refugees living in camps and temporary shelters.

  1. Pray that refugees will have nutritious food and clean water.
  2. Ask God to provide shelter that protects them from the heat and the cold.
  3. Pray that believing refugees will have hope in the Lord and draw others to Him.
  4. Ask God to use the generosity of believers around the world to meet the growing needs of refugees.

Lift up refugees on the move.

  1. Pray for safety as refugees travel on land and by sea.
  2. Ask God to protect refugees from human traffickers and others who seek to harm or take advantage of them.
  3. Pray for grace and strength for refugee mothers traveling with young children.
  4. Pray that unaccompanied refugee children will be reunited with their families.

Ask God to provide for refugees as they resettle in unfamiliar places.

  1. Ask God to provide affordable housing for refugees in their host countries.
  2. Pray that refugees will be able to find stable jobs and provide for themselves and their families.
  3. Ask God to call believers to come alongside refugees to offer friendship and practical help.

Pray for healing from trauma.

  1. Ask God to heal the hearts of refugees who’ve endured tragedy and trauma.
  2. Pray for comfort for refugees who’ve lost friends and family members.
  3. Pray for wisdom for Christar workers and local believers as they offer trauma counseling, art therapy and other programs designed to help refugees process their experiences and begin to heal.

Ask God to work in world events for His glory and the good of refugees.

  1. Ask God to give wisdom to national and local leaders in nations accepting refugees.
  2. Pray for an end to the terror and violence that continue to drive innocent people from their homes.
  3. Ask God to continue to bring refugees to places where they can hear the gospel.

Pray that refugees will turn to Christ.

  1. Praise God for using the refugee crisis to cause the hearts of many Muslims and other least-reached people to hunger for the hope that’s found only in Him.
  2. Ask God to raise up more believers who speak refugees’ languages to share the gospel with them.
  3. Pray that refugees who’ve received SD cards containing the Bible and other Christian resources will listen to, understand and accept the gospel.
  4. Pray that more churches will be established in refugee communities.

Pray for refugees who’ve trusted in Christ.

  1. Pray for courage for refugee believers facing opposition from family.
  2. Ask God to protect believing refugees from persecution.
  3. Pray that believing refugees will find fellowship and encouragement in local churches.
  4. Ask God to use the testimony of believing refugees to draw many more displaced people to faith in His Son.

Pray for the Church as it reaches out to refugees.

  1. Pray that believers will see refugees as people God loves and love them like He does.
  2. Ask God to give those working among refugees compassion and endurance when ministry is taxing.
  3. Pray that the kindness and compassion of believers will prepare refugees’ hearts to hear the gospel.
  4. Pray for wisdom for cross-cultural workers and local pastors as they seek to use their resources wisely to meet refugees’ needs.
  5. Ask God to call more believers to minister to refugees in their own neighborhoods and around the world. 

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