Beyond Ramadan: Four Ways to Pray for Muslims Year-Round
Throughout Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting, many Christians devote themselves to prayer for Muslims, both in their communities and around the world. But, these prayers are needed all year long! Will you join us in making them an ongoing, daily habit?
Below are four suggestions for adapting prayers for Muslims during Ramadan for use any time of year. All can be summed up in this request from workers serving among Muslims in the United States: “Ask that they would find the answer to all they seek in the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.”
Pray that spiritual hunger will linger.
Hunger and thirst are constant companions for Muslims observing Ramadan, and for many, so is a desire to be closer to God. As hunger pangs are still fresh in the minds of Muslims, pray they will continue to hunger and thirst for the truth.
Ask God to reveal Himself.
Ramadan is a time of increased spiritual focus and devotion for Muslims. As they seek God’s favor, many expect to have dreams and visions. As Muslims come away from the month of Ramadan, pray they will continue to expect God to work, and ask the Lord to make Himself known.
Pray for continued opportunities for Christians.
Although the daylight hours of Ramadan are times of fasting, the night is a time of feasting and socializing. Many local believers and cross-cultural workers are invited to break the fast with their Muslim friends, giving them opportunities to build relationships—and sometimes share about Jesus, the true bread of life. Pray that Christians will have opportunities to continue to build friendships with Muslims and convey the hope they have in Christ.
Ask God to call more believers to share the gospel in Muslim communities.
The majority of those who fast for Ramadan can’t accept Christ’s free gift of salvation because they’ve never heard of it. Approximately 85 percent of the 1.9 billion Muslims worldwide are least-reached: They don’t have access to a church that preaches the gospel in their language and in a culturally relevant way. Most have never even met a Christian. Ask God to call more of His followers to share the good news in Muslim communities around the world so that more of these least-reached people can learn of the treasure found in Christ.