30 Ways to Make a Difference in Muslims’ Lives During Ramadan
Ramadan, the ninth month on the Muslim calendar, is a month of fasting. This fasting is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and is considered one of the highest forms of Islamic worship.
During the 30 days of Ramadan, Muslims suppress earthly desires by abstaining from all food, liquid, tobacco and intimate relations from first light until sunset. This fasting is seen as an act of obedience and submission to Allah, as well as a means to atone for sin. Night becomes a time of feasting and socializing.
The month of Ramadan is an excellent opportunity for followers of Christ to make a difference in the lives of Muslims, both in our own neighborhoods and around the world! Below are 30 ways to learn, pray, act, give and go during Ramadan.
- LEARN: Download our free Islam booklet to learn more about Islam and how to share Christ with its followers.
- GIVE: Donate to the Scriptural Engagement thru Social Media (SESaMe) project to deliver bite-sized pieces of Scripture to people in Muslim communities with little or no access to the good news.
- ACT: Ask a Muslim, “How can I pray for you?” Many Muslims have never had anyone pray for them by name or bring their personal problems before the Lord, and as we pray for them, we can demonstrate that we worship a personal and loving God.
- PRAY: The nightly socializing that takes place during Ramadan gives many workers a wealth of opportunities to build relationships with Muslims. Pray for good conversations about spiritual things.
- LEARN: Read our tips for sharing Christ with a Muslim friend.
- GIVE: Many of the world’s refugees come from Muslim communities. Help Christar workers and local believers demonstrate God’s love to people who’ve been displaced through a gift to the Relief and Refugee Fund.
- ACT: Practice sharing your testimony so that you’ll be able to share it with a Muslim friend.
- PRAY: Praise God for young men who are boldly teaching from the Bible in a nation where being a Christian often leads to severe persecution. Ask the Lord to give them continued courage and use them to draw many others to Him.
- LEARN: Shared beliefs can provide common ground when building a relationship with a Muslim. Read our list of 11 things both Muslims and Christians believe.
- ACT: Invite a Muslim to join your family for a meal or an outing.
- PRAY: Praise God for giving many Muslims spiritual hunger in the aftermath of 2023 earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria. Pray that many churches will be established in the earthquake zone.
- GO: Find out what long-term ministry among Muslims is like by serving short term alongside experienced Christar workers.
- LEARN: Discover how God is revealing Himself to entire families of Muslims, drawing them to faith in His Son.
- GIVE: Help equip Christian leaders to serve in Muslim communities in the Middle East, the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa through a gift to Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary.
- ACT: Visit a restaurant or other local business owned by Muslims and start to get to know those who work there.
- PRAY: Workers serving among Muslims sometimes minister for years before seeing the Holy Spirit draw people to Christ. Ask God to give perseverance to those who are serving faithfully but aren’t yet seeing fruit from their efforts.
- LEARN: Read about how to respond in truth and love to common objections that Muslims have to Christianity.
- GIVE: Enable a woman in a Muslim community to complete a trauma healing program through a gift to Arab Woman Today.
- ACT: Write a letter or email of encouragement to a worker serving among Muslims.
- PRAY: Lift up Muslim-background believers, asking God to give them courage in sharing the gospel in their communities.
- LEARN: Read how God has used the kindness of believers, both in the Middle East and in the United States, to open the hearts of Muslims to the message of Christ.
- GIVE: Help Christar workers in the United States meet the needs of Arabic-speaking refugees, many of who come from Muslim communities, as well as mobilize local Christians to reach out to them through a gift toward Iraqi Refugee Outreach.
- ACT: Telling stories from the gospels can be a helpful tool in sharing your faith with a Muslim. Practice telling a story about Jesus.
- PRAY: Praise God for calling believers who came to Christ from Islam to serve as church planters in Muslim communities! Ask Him to provide for their needs and use them to draw many to faith in Him.
- LEARN: As Muslim refugees enter our communities, God is giving the Church in the United States incredible opportunities to minister to people who've never heard the gospel. Find practical ways to reach out.
- GIVE: Partner with the Persian Outreach Project to enable Persians to hear the gospel for the first time and help train Persian believers for ministry.
- ACT: Read a book that will help you better understand Islam and its followers.
- GO: Take the no-obligation first step toward serving among least-reached Muslims.
- VOLUNTEER: Give your time and expertise as a virtual volunteer through Switchboard to help a worker serving among Muslims minister more effectively.
- PRAY: Ramadan ends with the celebration of Eid-al-Fitr, when it’s traditional to offer a prayer of thanks and wear new clothes. Pray that Muslims worldwide will find new life in Christ.
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