Deeply Touched With Biblical Truth
When two leaders of a church of Middle Easternbelievers received Timothy Project group Bible study lessons, they couldn’t stop saying thank you. Why?
Christar worker David*, who’s been involved with this project since 2007, explains, “Discipleship materials for [Middle Eastern believers] generally come from the West and are translated into [the local language]. But Timothy Project lessons are designed by Middle Eastern Christians for the local church. They include scenarios reflecting daily life so believers can discuss what obedience would look like. The believers in this church were thrilled to have lessons that ‘felt’ like their own lives and helped them to grow.”
Churches of Middle Eastern believers around the world are growing! But resources that teach them how to live out their Christian faith are scarce. The Timothy Project is filling this gap by creating culturally relevant Bible lessons that show believers how to study Scripture and prompt them to discuss how to apply it in their culture.
For many, this approach is a unique way to study the Bible. It’s not unique to this particular culture, however. Generally, they are group-oriented and learn through discussion. However, religious instruction is typically delivered through lectures rather than through interaction. But when local believers communicated biblical truths in the traditional lecture style, they found that it wasn’t very effective in changing lives.
The Timothy Project was created to provide Middle Eastern believers with a method to study the Bible in a culturally relevant way: through interaction. David mentors a team of writers from the local culture who create group Bible study lessons, and is training other believers to serve as coaches for this team.
These interactive lessons have been particularly powerful for believers living in areas of the Middle East where conflict is commonplace. In many cases, God uses Timothy Project Bible studies not only in the lives of those who read them, but in those who write them as well.
Nehir, one of the newer writers, spent the past year learning how to use the Timothy Project method to create a series of four lessons on Ruth for women’s groups. She was so encouraged by what she learned that she presented the lessons—before they were published—to the women in her church. These believers, including two refugees who had recently trusted in Christ, had witnessed numerous acts of violence in their community in the past year. Through the lessons on Ruth, they saw an example of God’s redeeming power and discussed how this truth impacted their everyday lives. “They were deeply touched,” says David.
Over 140 Timothy Project lessons have been written so far, and each has the potential to change lives with the truth found in God’s Word. Join us in asking God to continue to use these interactive Bible studies to transform groups of Middle Eastern believers.
Participate by Praying:
- Praise God for using Timothy Project lessons to help Middle Eastern believers around the world learn to apply biblical truth.
- Lift up the local believers who write these lessons, asking God to encourage them and give them skill and creativity.
- Pray for wisdom for David as he mentors and trains writers and coaches.
- Ask God to provide the funds needed so the Timothy Project can continue creating new lessons.