Satisfying Curiosity With Spiritual Food
The ladies who come to Abigail’s* cooking and Bible class enjoy learning to make everything from spicy lentil and tomato soup to quiche to tiramisu. But, as Abigail, a Christar worker in the United Kingdom, says, “The spiritual food is what it is really all about.”
This outreach, which combines an interactive time of preparing a dish together with a lesson from Scripture, is designed to share truth from God’s Word with least-reached in the UK, including students and those visiting for academic reasons, as well those who’ve immigrated to the country. Many have never read the Bible or gotten to know a follower of Christ.
Mei, an atheist from the Far East, began participating in the class in February 2019, prompted by a curiosity about what Christians believe. Like many from her home country, she’d never had the opportunity to hear what the Bible has to say and to consider the evidence for the existence of God. She knew nothing about Him and considered Him a myth. But as Abigail shared about the power of Christ as Savior and how Jesus is the Living Word, the Lord stirred Mei’s heart.
“What book of the Bible should I read first?” Mei asked. Abigail gave her a copy of John in English, but she was so excited to understand God’s Word that she purchased a copy of this Gospel in her native language as well. She’d already finished it by the next time Abigail saw her and had started reading the English copy as well.
Mei began regularly studying the Bible with Eve, a strong believer who lives nearby. Each week, her belief in the Bible’s teaching seemed to grow, and despite her busy schedule she participated in a “Christianity Explored” course and church services. She also continued to come to the cooking and Bible classes, and several times lingered afterward so she could go for a walk with Abigail and her husband, Nathan, and ask more questions about what she was learning.
In May, just three months after she was introduced to the truth about God, Mei prayed with Eve and a local Chinese believer to receive Christ as her savior!
“It is a joy to answer Mei’s questions as she really wants to understand things deeply!” Abigail shares. “Please continue to pray for Mei, that she would be protected from the ‘fiery darts of doubt’ of the evil one, and that she would put down deep roots into God. We are encouraging her to feed on God’s Word daily and rely on Him through prayer.”
Participate by Praying:
- Approximately one in 13 people in the United Kingdom doesn’t have access to a church that proclaims the gospel in their language and worships in a way that’s relevant in their culture. Ask God to raise up more believers to share the good news with them.
- Praise God for drawing people like Mei into His family as they encounter Him through Scripture.
- Ask the Lord to continue to give least-reached people in the U.K. a curiosity about Him and His Word.
- Pray that Mei and others in the United Kingdom who have come to Christ from least-reached backgrounds will grow in their faith and share it with others.