Responding to COVID-19: It is Not Night Yet!
For many, the restrictions of recent months brought about by COVID-19 have resulted in more free time and fewer connections with others. For Lewis and Beth,* Christar workers in North America, this was far from the case. On the contrary, they’ve found themselves busier with ministry opportunities than ever before!
This couple serves among the refugee communities in their city, often using the Arabic they learned from over two decades on the field in the Middle East with Christar. Since their state was not placed on total lockdown, Lewis and Beth have felt the freedom to continue with visits in the community on a limited basis, as well as keep in touch via phone. Several of their refugee friends are very afraid of the coronavirus, while others need help obtaining accurate information since they do not know enough English to understand the local news; through these conversations Lewis and Beth are able to help their friends stay informed while building connections and demonstrating God’s love.
Over the past couple years, Lewis and Beth have grown particularly close to two refugee families, one from a Muslim background and one from a Middle Eastern religious minority group. During the pandemic, they have been able to continue to visit these families regularly, and Lewis has been grateful for opportunities to invest in two high school boys, one from each family. Several days a week since schools closed, the young men have come over to do schoolwork together, followed by various service projects and spiritual mentorship. While they would normally be too busy with school activities such as soccer to spend extended time with Lewis, the hiatus from school has provided a chance Lewis didn’t want to pass up!
Lewis has been using these unfilled hours to teach these boys life skills such as driving a car, operating a forklift, using a lawnmower and even operating a chainsaw to clear brush on his dad’s land. The boys love being involved and busy and, according to Lewis, would probably stay at his place until midnight if he let them.
In addition to the academic and physical work, Lewis is taking the two young men through a series looking at the chronological story of the Bible. “These boys are wide open to it!” Lewis celebrates.
Lewis and Beth have also found numerous ways to minister among Arab believers in their community and beyond. They continue meeting with their Arabic church fellowship over the internet, which enables families who have moved away to worship with them, even from another state!
Beth has also been able to study language and share resources with a fellow Christar worker in the Middle East who has been unable to leave her home due to coronavirus restrictions. The minority group this worker is seeking to reach has a presence in Beth and Lewis’ area, and Beth has been able to ask a refugee friend to make language recordings and upload them to the cloud. This is enabling a number of people involved in learning this language to continue with study during lockdown.
Through all these opportunities, Lewis and Beth rejoice that the Holy Spirit has allowed them to reflect light and love to many even in a time of seeming darkness. In a newsletter update, they wrote to their support team, “There are many ways to serve … Jesus is still the light of the world, and we must work the works of Him who sent us as long as it is day; night is coming when no one can work. It is not night yet!”
Participate by Praying:
- Praise God for giving Lewis, Beth and many workers like them continued opportunities to invest in the lives of least-reached friends throughout the pandemic. Pray for sustaining strength and good health for them.
- Pray that these friends will continue to have hearts that are open to the truth of God’s Word.
- Lift up workers who are endeavoring to study languages in a time of lockdowns and limited interaction, asking the Lord to provide patience and creative solutions.