Cancelled Classes and Personal Connections
The doors of the school have been closed, and classes cannot be held. But the ministry of the Global English Project hasn’t been placed on pause. Though COVID-19 has disrupted schedules and limited in-person interactions, Christar workers serving through this project have been blessed with opportunities to share the hope they have in Christ even in the midst of great uncertainty.
Since 2007, Christar workers have been holding English classes in a Middle Eastern community with the goal of sharing the gospel among a people group that’s nearly 100 percent Muslim. In 2015, they opened a school that has allowed them to serve hundreds of students throughout the year—until the coronavirus hit and the school had no choice but to shut its doors.
But, doors for ministry have remained open as the workers serving as teachers have shifted their focus to offering private tutoring. While restrictions on travel have limited the number of individuals they can meet with, these one-on-one sessions often provide opportunities to get to know their students on a more personal level and for their students to get to know them and the God they serve.
“This is one of the first times many of our students have a chance to have an interaction with a believer,” explains Christar worker Mark.* He recalls one who directly questioned, "Teacher, are you a Christian?" This young man had never before been able to ask a follower of Jesus what they believe, but the tutoring session provided a prime opportunity for him to hear some of the core principles of the gospel.
During the lockdown, workers have also been able to connect more frequently with students online, as teacher Marcy has been able to do with her student Pariza. Though Pariza is a Muslim, she is counting the cost of following Jesus after hearing the gospel many times through Marcy, and genuinely desires to obey God. When Marcy discovered that Pariza was heading toward a marriage to a man who doesn’t love God, she suggested that they work together through a book that helps a single person decide if they should marry and determine the qualities they should look for in a potential spouse, based on biblical principles.
As the two meet virtually to discuss what they read, Marcy is asking God to use this book and their conversations to draw Pariza to wholeheartedly embrace of the message of Jesus. She shares, “I have already seen the Spirit working and am praying this book leads her to the conclusion that Christ is the priceless treasure worth any cost.”
Looking back, the team can see how the Lord has prepared them for this challenging season by allowing them to endure other difficulties on the field. “Each time something happens—when war breaks out, security issues arise or we face financial pressures from running a business—God has shown us how to depend less on ourselves and more on His ability to provide and sustain,” Mark shares. “It's encouraging to remember in those difficult moments that this is His work and that He will complete the task of making Himself known here. We are only called to be obedient and to depend on Him for every detail.”
Mark adds, “Ask that God would use this time to grow us and to show us how to be more faithful witnesses in this remote place.” We join them in prayer, asking the Lord to give them wisdom and creativity in ministry and to use their faithfulness to draw many in their community into His everlasting peace.
Participate by Praying:
- Ask God to provide needed funding so that Christar workers serving through the Global English Project can continue to minister to their students while the school is closed due to COVID-19 restrictions.
- Lift up Jared, a staff member who is a new believer. Ask that he will continue to grow in wisdom and be bold in his faith.
- Lift up the students, many of whom are very fearful due to all that’s taken place because of the coronavirus. Pray that they will come to know the peace found only in Christ.