A Snapshot of Perseverance
In the two decades that Kelly* has served among the least-reached, she’s never seen someone instantly trust in Christ. She’s not alone. Many Christar workers faithfully build relationships and share the gospel in least-reached communities for years before a single person believes. Perseverance is crucial in ministry to least-reached people!
The ladies in my English class have politely listened to the Bible lessons I have taught over the last number of months. Today was not much different.
They politely agreed…
After the story of the crucifixion, I explained how Jesus was the fulfillment of all the stories we had previously covered in the Old Testament. Then we went to Romans 3:23 and read how we all have sinned and nobody can attain the standard of perfection that God requires. (Everyone agreed.)
After that we looked at Romans 6:23 and read that the penalty for sin is death. I reminded the class that death means separation, and that the Bible says that those who do not put their faith in God’s way for salvation are eternally separated from Him in hell. (Again, they all agreed.)
Then we went to John 3:16-18. We read how God sent His Son to pay the penalty for us so we could have eternal life; but, those who do not put their faith in this way that God has provided are condemned.
They admitted the truth.
Once again, everyone politely agreed, but I stopped them. I said that I wanted them to be sincere because they wouldn’t gain anything by just answering politely and neither would I.
We ended up having quite a lengthy (and sometimes a little loud) discussion. The discussion is best summed up in one of the Muslim ladies’ answers: “Every time I listen to the Bible lessons, I understand a little more. But to say that I accept this for myself … I can’t say that!” In the end, I thanked them for their sincerity and told them that I still hoped that they would believe it someday.
The story’s not over.
So, for the time being, I am trying to be thankful that they heard the truth and at least responded honestly to it. And I am reminding myself that it is common here for people to reject the gospel many times before they accept it. In my experience with practicing Muslim adults in our area, I have never seen anyone make a true profession of faith (by that I mean that they would hold to the faith in the face of adversity) until they have heard the Word of God and the gospel message for years. I am not saying that is the only way God works; but that is what I have seen in our area.
Still my heart breaks. How I wish that they would know the wonderful Savior that we have! I can’t bear the thought of them spending eternity in hell.
Please pray that God will yet do a miracle in these ladies’ lives and that they would understand and believe. I know God is not finished with them.
Participate by Praying:
- Pray for perseverance for Christar workers, especially those who aren’t seeing fruit from their efforts.
- Ask God to work in the hearts of Muslims as they hear the truth.
- Pray that Christar workers will have the joy of seeing least-reached friends accept Christ.