Teaching in Christ’s Service
Education Opens Doors for the Gospel
Devon* and his family moved to the Middle East to establish a school staffed by believers. They were stunned as they watched the doors to this particular ministry close, one by one. God had a different path in mind, with a better outcome than they could have imagined.
Devon began consulting with a Muslim school owner and now manages a school that serves students from preschool through high school. He isn’t able to speak about his faith freely and publicly in school, but his workdays are full of remarkable opportunities:
“In private I have amazing conversations about faith and the power of God and the meaning of life,” Devon shares. “I am also able to pray with people behind closed doors. Education … opens all kinds of doors to talk about transformation, life disciplines, character, service and so much more.”
A school in transformation
Because the owner of Devon’s school has seen Christian teachers faithfully teaching with integrity, excellence and passion, he has asked Devon to continue to recruit teachers of faith. This means that, in a country where less than 10 percent of people know Christ, the school is increasingly staffed with teachers who are believers!
“[The large Christian presence] has created a community of witness which is extremely powerful and dwarfs our individual witness,” Devon says. “The integrity and faithfulness with which our teachers live their lives is a powerful light.”
Opportunities everywhere
Whether they serve in places that welcome traditional Christian work or in countries that limit what believers can do, Christar educators work in a wide variety of roles. They teach agricultural and medical skills in the Philippines. They communicate principles of compassion and quality care to medical professionals and students in Albania.
In Asia, they teach on topics including breast cancer awareness, Biblical business principles, technical skills and, of course, English. Others around the world teach Christar workers’ children, enabling parents to devote their time to church planting while their children’s educational needs are fully met.
Anna works in the Far East bringing educational support to families in remote areas. She and her co-worker provide English lessons and organize games at a primary school. They provide encouragement from a biblical perspective to middle school students from broken families. They award scholarships for high school to needy students of good character who have demonstrated academic excellence.
Christar workers serve as teachers not just as a means to be in a country, but to cultivate Christ-honoring transformation among students and the local community. God is using their skills to bless least-reached communities. And He is using their voices and their lives to share the gospel with people who may never have heard.
What kind of educators can serve in missions?
Here’s a sampling of teaching skills now in use or in demand in least-reached communities:
- Teaching English as a Second Language
- Supplementing the programs of existing local schools
- Teaching agricultural, technical and vocational skills
- Tutoring children with special needs
- Teaching medical professionals and students
- Meeting the educational needs of Christar workers’ children
- Teaching at the university level
- Conducting community health programs