Creatively Speaking to Women’s Hearts
Creativity abounds in the weekly art class at the Haven of Hope in the Middle East. Once a week, a group of ladies in an overwhelmingly Muslim community gathers to meditate on the Psalms and express their creativity.
Recently, the group read Psalm 67:1-2: “May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us—so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations.” As the women pondered what it meant to ask for God’s blessing so that He will be made known, they created artwork in response.
Classes are a time to introduce women to the truth found in God’s Word and offer emotional support. “Our paintings and designs become outward expressions of what our ears have heard, what our eyes have read and what our hearts have felt,” shares Christar worker Rachel*, who founded Haven of Hope with her husband, Jonah. “It has been a very profitable time to share our faith in the only One who can bring healing to a broken heart and a great time to bear one another’s burdens. … Through this meeting time, we have been able to study the faithfulness of God and the hope that He freely offers to whosoever will come.”
Art classes are just one of the innovative ways that the Haven of Hope conveys the hope found in Christ to women in a community where abuse is the norm rather than the exception. Rachel and Jonah opened this center in 2017 to provide refuge and counsel to Middle Eastern women and their children who are victims of abuse, as well as to introduce nonbelievers and their families to the God of the Bible.
In addition to providing shelter, Bible seminars and job and life skills trainings, Haven of Hope communicates God’s grace and healing through outreaches that creatively touch the lives of women in the community. Rachel explains, “As we see in His Word, God works in many ways and through many situations to make Himself known to the lost world. …We try to speak to [women’s] hearts through means and methods that are dear to them.”
Ladies’ handicraft days are a prime example. Participants are invited to bring their favorite craft to share with the group and teach the technique. As women learn from one another, hymns are played in the local language, providing opportunities to convey spiritual truth. Rachel shares, “[This outreach] has spawned many open doors to sharing who God is and the gift He offers to all of us. It is also a time that encourages ladies to share their hearts and know that there is a hope that we can rely on.”
The center also reaches out through Bible-based English conversation groups and a fitness class, another creative means of ministry that communicates the good news while addressing topics that are important to women in the community. At the Pilates outreach, participants hear not only health tips, but also passages of Scripture, which they’re encouraged to think about during the week. They leave with a healthy recipe that includes a Bible verse.
We praise God for giving workers creativity in conveying the hope of Christ in places where few know Him! Join us in asking the Lord to open the hearts of women as they’re introduced to His healing love.
Participate by Praying:
- Ask God to continue to give workers creativity as they seek to reach the hearts of women with the hope of Christ.
- Pray that those who come to Haven of Hope will be drawn to the gospel as they interact with workers and hear God’s Word.
- Pray for wisdom in ministering to women with deep emotional scars.
- Ask God to provide the funds needed to hire a local believer to work at the center.