Not on Hold: Your Role in This Season
What if you long to serve overseas but, at least for now, you’re stuck stateside?
First, know that God sees your frustration and that your heart for the nations isn’t arbitrary. He’s given you a desire to serve for a reason—a purpose not only for someday but for today. He’s opened your eyes to the needs of people around the world so that you can be involved now and so you can invite others to be part of His global work as well.
Second, know that your purpose isn’t on hold. Whether you’re actively preparing for cross-cultural ministry, had to leave the field or aren’t sure if you’ll ever serve in a least-reached community, your part in the Great Commission today isn’t busywork. It’s an interconnected part of God’s plan for His people.
God’s call to be involved in bringing the gospel to the nations doesn’t hinge on whether or not He leads you to serve overseas; it’s for every believer. It’s not a question of if you’re called but a matter of discerning how you’re called.
That’s why Paul called the members of the Corinthian church “co-workers in God’s service” (1 Corinthians 3:9) and writes of the Philippian believers’ “partnership in the gospel” (Philippians 1:5). The members of these churches weren’t spectators in the spread of the good news: They were active participants as they prayed and gave of their time and resources.
As a part of the Body of Christ and as part of your local body, you too have a role in the Church’s task of making disciples of all nations. It might not look the same as it did a few years ago or as it will a few years in the future, but God’s call for you to be involved today is no less real or pressing than it would be if He asked you to get on a plane tomorrow.
So, the questions become: How is He asking you to be involved in this season? And how will you respond?
The articles referenced below provide tips to help you serve well in the present. For lots more, check out our entire collection of Great Commission Resources.
Participate Through Prayer
Every part of God’s plan to bring people from all nations into His Family is dependent upon His strength. Prayer is a recognition of reliance on Him and vital to any efforts to build His Kingdom.
Christar’s monthly Call to Prayer guide provides a variety of ways to pray for the Body of Christ as it works together to build the Church where it doesn’t yet exist. (Sign up to receive it via email here!)
Serve the Least-Reached Within Your Reach
Over 14 million least-reached people live in the United States, so you may not need to leave your city—or even your campus—to serve among people who’ve never heard the gospel. Many international students come to the United States from least-reached places, and some have never known a follower of Jesus. The same is true for many refugees and immigrants living in the U.S.
Read Six Tips for Reaching the Least-Reached in Your Neighborhood to learn more about how you can introduce them to Christ.
Be an Advocate
Your passion for the least-reached is an incredible asset in the Great Commission as it equips you to raise awareness and get others involved. By sharing this passion in your church and your circle of friends, you can multiply your own heart for the nations and be an advocate for the least-reached.
Explore how you can be a catalyst for the Great Commission.
Facilitate Ministry Through Giving
By giving of your resources, you can be part of ministry in a least-reached community. God uses and multiplies the generosity of His people to enable cross-cultural workers to respond to needs and extend the reach of the gospel.
Participate in the ministry of Christar workers and projects through giving.
Volunteer From a Distance
Did you know you can use your education and professional skills to help cross-cultural workers … from your couch? Christar partners with Switchboard, an organization that connects believers with diverse skills to needs in global ministries. Through the Switchboard platform, these virtual volunteers, known as Kingdom Consultants, give time and expertise to help cross-cultural workers overcome obstacles and embrace new opportunities.
Get Started as a Kingdom Consultant.
No matter how God leads you to serve in the present, you can rest in the confidence that He knows your heart. He understands your willingness to go and your yearning to be overseas. He’s with you in it. And you can trust that He’s placed you right where you are for a purpose—today and in every season to come.
We’d love to walk alongside you as you seek to serve God in your current season and explore how He’s leading you to serve in the future! Email [email protected] to connect with us.