A Glimpse of God at Work
Each month, dozens of least-reached people encounter the gospel at Beacon Community Center. Often, workers serving there don’t see the results of their faithfulness among people with little or no access to a church that preaches the gospel in their own language and culture. But sometimes, God allows these workers to see how He’s working in the hearts of those who come to the ministry center—especially in those who come on a regular basis.
Sally*, who was born into a Muslim family in North Africa, has been coming to Beacon Community Center for nearly a decade. At first, she seemed happy despite being in a difficult marriage. But, when her only brother was tragically killed in a car accident, she sank into despair.
Nora, a Christar worker serving at Beacon Community Center, recalls, “Although Sally had just given birth to her second daughter, she felt as if life was over. For a couple of years, every time we visited Sally’s home she showed us pictures of her brother and the accident while she cried and rocked herself. … We grieved and prayed with Sally often, but she could not allow herself to believe that a loving and all-wise God would take her brother’s life.”
Christar workers continued to reach out to Sally and her family and to pray that God would open her heart to the hope found in Him. “We have tried to show many kindnesses to her family, and when praised for it, we [explain] that it is because Jesus has changed our lives,” says Nora. Slowly, Sally has begun to see beyond her grief and devastation.
Now, Sally comes to Beacon Community Center every week, participating in women’s activities and joining regularly in worship services on Sunday and the fellowship meals that follow. Her younger daughter is learning about Jesus through Bible stories in Sunday school taught by Christar workers. And last spring, her older daughter placed her faith in Christ! Although Sally hasn’t yet taken that step of faith personally, Nora, her teammates and believers in the Christar church plant continue to share the hope they have, trusting God to draw Sally to Himself.
Without Beacon Community Center, many like Sally have few opportunities to hear the good news. “The eternal hope we have doesn’t exist in France,” says Nora, explaining that many who come to France from other countries are caught in that hopelessness. “We try to show them that Christ changes our hearts, outlooks and desires.”
Participate by Praying:
- Praise God that through Beacon Community Center people are finding hope in Christ.
- Ask God to continue to bring least-reached people who are open to the gospel to this ministry center.
- Pray for wisdom for Christar workers as they reach out to people who’ve endured deep hurt.
- Ask God to provide the finances needed to make repairs necessary to meet city requirements, so Beacon Community Center can continue to reach out in its community.