Love Reaches The Rejected–Part 2
When Lala*, a 3-year-old Roma girl in Eastern Europe, was abandoned in a trash heap, Jacob, a Christar worker, took her home and arranged for her to be cared for by believers at a Christian orphanage, hoping Lala might one day be adopted. But this wasn’t the end of Lala’s story.
Loved by all of the orphanage workers, Lala changed dramatically, from a neglected child who barely made a sound, into a talkative, friendly little girl. The orphanage tried to obtain legally abandoned status for Lala so that she could be adopted. But Lala’s father, who had never shown interest in her before, showed up at the hearing and demanded his daughter. The court ruled in his favor.
Lala soon fell into the care of her aunt, barely an adult herself. Jacob visited regularly and took Lala to a children’s club led by his Christar teammates. After about a year, Lala was shuffled by her family to yet another caregiver, her 16-year old uncle, Pali. Jacob and his teammates are trying to get Lala admitted to a kindergarten. For now, her future is still uncertain.
Jacob shares, “Please keep Pali in mind as he inherits the burden of caring for a young child with little help, while still trying to scratch out a living. Pray for Lala herself, as once again those she loves and depends on have left her. Pray that we will know how we can help.”
Would you join with us in continuing to pray for stability for this precious little girl and other children like her? Please pray also for Christar workers serving among the Roma people.