Beacon Community Center: Sahar’s Story
Born and raised in a Muslim family, Sahar* had married a believer without knowing that he was a Christian. Just before he brought her to France, Sahar’s husband gave her a New Testament. She read it periodically for over a year. The message of Christ made sense to her. As she began to compare it to the Koran, she started to realize that she could no longer practice Islam as her family did.
A Changed Life
Sahar had a recurring dream in which she was lured toward a pit. Each time she approached it, she fell in. Again and again the horrifying sensation of free falling would jolt her awake. But then one night, she dreamed that a person in white grabbed her and pulled her from the pit. She knew it was Jesus. Through this dream Sahar realized once and for all that Jesus wanted to save her, and she decided to follow Him.
North Africans began immigrating to France in the 1950s and 1960s in search of jobs. In the 1970s, they were permitted to bring their families. Today almost one in 10 people in France is North African or Middle Eastern, and of these, almost all are Muslim.
Sahar missed her relatives terribly after moving to France. She didn’t speak French well and she was very lonely. After two years in France, Sahar and her husband met a pair of Christar workers who invited the whole family for dinner to get acquainted. These workers introduced Sahar and her husband to Beacon Community Center, a hub for ministry to least-reached people in the area.
A Haven, A Hope
When she first walked into Beacon Community Center, Sahar asked for a Bible in Arabic. She had never had a copy of the entire Bible in her heart language. When Christar workers presented her with an Arabic Bible, she knew she’d been given a treasure. Eyes brimming with tears, she read it for over two hours!
Today, more than 10 years later, not only Sahar but her entire family have found friendship and fellowship through Beacon Community Center. In the Center, Sahar has also found a place to minister to other North African women, like Zeyneb. Although Zeyneb is curious about other religions, she practices Islam sincerely.
Sahar frequently brings Zeyneb to events at Beacon Community Center and the two often have deep discussions about God. Through Sahar and other believers at the Center, Zeyneb has noticed a difference in the way Christians live. Please pray that Zeyneb will trust in Christ’s sacrifice for her salvation. Praise God for the fellowship and opportunity that Sahar and her family have found through Beacon Community Center in France.
Participate by Praying:
- Dozens of people come to the many outreaches of Beacon Community Center every month. Ask that many will hear and believe the gospel.
- Pray that Zeyneb and several other women attending ladies’ outreaches at the ministry center will understand their need for a Savior.
- Ask that men’s activities, like showing soccer games on a big screen, will draw more least-reached men to the center.
- Ask God to provide more personnel to keep activities running at Beacon Community Center.