Lindita’s Story: Sharing the Gospel Through Community Health
Happiness was out of character for Lindita*. She lived with gripping anxiety that something bad was going to happen to her family. Her unhappiness and fear left her apathetic about her own health.
Community health nurses from the ABC Health Foundation had been reaching out in Lindita’s community for several years. They gave health lessons at Light of the World Church, just down the street from where she lived. Christar worker Janet Johnson and other ABC community health nurses had visited Lindita in her home on multiple occasions to check her blood pressure and give her advice on her hypertension and diet.
The nurses invited Lindita to the Moms’ and Toddlers’ group at Light of the World Church. Every Tuesday, the nurses spoke to the group on health-related topics and shared a basic Bible lesson. Despite Lindita’s curiosity, she turned down their invitations.
But God was working in Lindita’s heart.
“I was a lost sheep.”
Less than a year ago, after years of walking past the church building multiple times a day, Lindita finally accepted an invitation to attend a Christmas meal at the church with the Moms’ and Toddlers’ group.
She found a warm welcome and a group of new friends. She heard–for the first time in her life–a story of Jesus from the Bible. When the meeting was over, Lindita stayed for a cup of coffee. For four hours, she talked with neighborhood women and the ABC community health nurses.
When Lindita arrived home that afternoon, her husband, a Muslim, told her, “I don’t know what you did at that place today, but if you are going to continue to be this happy, you can go back there whenever you want!”
A few days later, Lindita left the church with a Bible in her hands for the first time.
At the Moms’ and Toddlers’ group the next week, she exclaimed. “I couldn’t put it down! I read the whole way through it because I had to see what was going to happen. And now I have started reading it again.”
Less than a year later, Lindita prayed out loud at the group’s meeting: “God, I was a lost sheep and you found me. You have taken away my fear. You have given me hope.”
A Visible Transformation
As hope has taken root and flourished in her life, Lindita’s health has also improved. She has lost weight, is getting out more and, most amazing of all, she is filled with joy. Lindita’s family has noticed the changes in her life. Her husband has even come to church with her a few times.
Once controlled by irrational fears about what would happen to her family, Lindita now prays intently that they will come to know the hope that Jesus has given her.
Lindita still comes to the Moms’ and Toddlers’ group, which is now an in-depth Bible study led by Janet and her Albanian co-workers. She also eagerly attends Thursday evening prayer meetings and Sunday morning services. Now a part of a new weekly outreach to another neighborhood, Lindita is telling other Albanian women the truth that transformed her life.
The Community Health branch of the ABC Health Foundation partners with Light of the World Church and many other local church bodies and like-minded organizations to offer health screenings, home visits and health education in communities throughout Albania.
Participate by Praying:
- Ask God to call Lindita’s husband and family to Himself.
- Pray for the Moms’ and Toddlers’ group and the new weekly outreach to bear fruit in the lives of Albanian women.
- Ask God to sustain the ABC Community Health team spiritually, physically and financially as they bring hope and health care to Albanian communities.