Seeing the God Who Answers Prayer
Christar workers serving in least-reached communities often see God answer prayer in powerful ways to make Himself known. Nancy*, a worker serving in the Middle East, shares how a local friend experienced God’s healing after bringing a request before Him.
“My tooth is really hurting again today,” my language helper, Zerya, complained to me. Ever since April, when I started meeting with Zerya, she had consistently complained about a hurting tooth. She had been to the dentist about it, but he was unable to help her. Earlier that day I had asked God to give me an opportunity to share something of Him with Zerya. As she complained to me about her tooth I realized this might be my opportunity: I could pray with her.
I had never offered to pray with Zerya before so I was a little nervous to ask her. How would she react? And what if I pray and God doesn’t do anything? What will she think then?
Laying my doubt and fear aside, I asked Zerya, “Can I pray with you about your tooth?” To my surprise, a smile crossed her face, “Yes please!” We held hands and I prayed for her. I asked God to bring relief to her hurting tooth, and I asked him to reveal Himself to her. When I finished, together we said “Amen,” and then we continued with my language lesson.
A couple weeks later, as Zerya was confiding in me about another problem in her life, I suggested we pray together about it. With delight Zerya said to me, “Yes! I love it when you pray for me. When you prayed about my tooth, a couple of hours later it stopped hurting and it hasn’t hurt since! So, please pray for me about this.”
I could hardly believe it. “Really?” I said. “Your tooth feels better!?” Tears filled my eyes as she reassured me that her tooth had not hurt at all since the day we had prayed together about it. We prayed together again about her new problem and we also gave thanks to God for the relief He had brought to her tooth. We thanked Him for hearing and answering our prayers, we thanked Him for caring about the hurts and pains in our lives and we praised Him for His power over the world He created.
Every time since then, when I have asked Zerya if she wants to pray about something she responds with eagerness and excitement. She has seen that the God I know and serve has power and hears us when we pray.
Please pray with me that Zerya would continue to experience and be blessed by the kindness of the one true God. Pray that she would come to know the Lord not only as the one with power to heal her physical ailments, but also as the One who can forgive her sins and save her from spiritual death.
Participate by Praying:
- Praise God for answering prayer on behalf of least-reached people.
- Pray that many will be drawn to the Lord as they experience Him as the God who hears, cares and answers.