An Investment in Eternity
Sharing the good news in Muslim communities is often a years-long process. Luke*, who served in Central Asia for decades and now serves in the U.S., knows this well. Although he’s seen Muslims place their faith in Christ the first time they hear the gospel, most of the time, ministry in a Muslim community requires perseverance.
Arman was influential in his Central Asian community. One local Muslim woman stated, “If he believes in Jesus, many other people will too.” But when Luke met Arman at an outreach in 2008, Arman wasn’t open to the gospel. He was, however, interested in English classes and movies, as well as sports and board games. Luke and his teammates began to develop a relationship with Arman and sought ways to serve him, despite the fact that he didn’t show interest in the good news.
Eight years later, Arman and his wife showed up at a marriage seminar held by Luke’s team, saying they’d come because Luke had always welcomed him and served him coffee. Now, he and his wife are in a Bible study, and he is a step closer to using his influence for God’s glory.
Inzhu and her husband also attended that marriage seminar. Like Arman, Inzhu had met Luke several years earlier; she began attending English classes and outreaches in 2010. When she told Luke at one of these outreaches that he was kind, he assured her that he was caring only because Christ had transformed him. Luke recalls, “I told her that before Jesus came into my heart, I was not kind at all; that Jesus changed me.” She was silent. But over the course of years, God worked in Inzhu’s heart, drawing her to the reflection of His love she’d seen in Luke. Now, she and her husband are also attending a Bible study.
Luke explains that years of faithful interaction with Muslims is an investment in eternity. He shares, “This is how we do ministry to Muslims: inviting them into our home and our lives, and openly sharing how the Bible shapes our lives in Christ.”
Participate by Praying:
- Pray for perseverance for workers when they don’t see visible fruit from their efforts.
- Ask God to draw least-reached people to Himself as they hear the truth and see His love demonstrated through Christar workers.