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Three Ways to Give Good News

Three Ways to Give Good News

The message of Christ is good news—the best news in history. But, approximately four in 10 people worldwide have little to no access to a church that preaches the gospel in their language and worships in a culturally relevant way.

You can give good news to these least-reached people! Consider these three ways to bring God’s Word to those who’ve never been introduced to the hope of the gospel—all for less than the cost of dinner and a movie for two.

Enable a Persian refuge or immigrant to take the gospel with them.

The vast majority of Persians haven’t heard the gospel! But for about the price of a week’s worth of lattes you could give 10 of them access to the good news. Just $30 covers the cost of 10 gospel SD cards, distributed through the Persian Outreach Project, enabling refugees or immigrants to read, hear and see the message of Christ. These memory cards, which can be inserted into most smartphones, hold resources including an audio New Testament and the JESUS film, all in the language spoken by most local Persians.

Not only are Persians placing their faith in Christ after receiving these resources, those who’ve already trusted in Him are using SD cards to take the gospel with them and share it with others.

Give an immigrant in France the Bible in their language.

For about the cost of a pizza, you can provide a French/Arabic study Bible for someone in France who’s never been able to read God’s Word in their language. Although France is sometimes thought of as a historically Christian nation, today Muslims greatly outnumber evangelical believers. Many of this country’s followers of Islam are first-generation immigrants and have never heard the good news of Christ. A gift of $25 allows Beacon Community Center to give two Bibles to people who’ve never been introduced to the gospel, or to believers without a copy of God’s Word in their native tongue.

Cover the cost of a study Bible for a woman who’s suffered abuse.

Christar workers serving in the Middle East estimate that nine in 10 of the women in their community have suffered abuse. But in a place where just a small fraction of the population has heard the gospel, these women have few opportunities to learn about the healing that’s only found in Christ. Your gift of $25 gives one of them a study Bible through the outreach of the Haven of Hope, a ministry that provides practical help and true hope to victims of abuse in the Middle East.

No matter how much you can contribute, you can give good news to someone with little or no access to the gospel! Your gift of any size could make an eternal difference as a least-reached person is forever changed by God’s word.

Participate by Praying:

Ask God to provide the funds needed to give the good news of Christ to people who’ve never heard it.

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